


Urban Life. Modernity. Current Events. Banality vs Glamour. Millenial Sunrise is a story of 21st Century Urban Life, with all the social, political, and philosphical problems that entails. Computers and technology are apart of daily life,  and technology is rapidly moving forward. Yet even as humanity is moving forward, the evils of poverty, human trafficing, corprate greed, and terrorism loom in the shadows. This the world the Changelings live in, and it feels as if Winter is only moments away. Yet there exists a spark of hope as mankind continues to create, survive, and inovate. It is that spark’s glowing light drives the story of the kithian of the 21st Century.

History into the 21st Century

There is global peace amongst Changelings. The signs of Endless Winter are nigh and Changelings all over the world have ceased all conflict to fight the coming of Endless Winter.

In Concordia, Princess Lenore and her motely exposed and stopped King Meilge’s nefarious plot to rule Concordia. High King David was rescued and after all he had suffered, he had become a grump, and so gracefully abdicated his throne to his courageous heir. He took up the crown of The Kingdom of Apples, as during the Second Accordance War Queen Mab had gone into The Forgetting. Queen Faerlyth stepped down with her husband, and took up the crown of the Kingdom of Willows as she was still King Mielge’s heir apparent. Parliament has only convened a few times since then, and that was to restructure, negotiate peace, and establish treaties of mutual support with foreign kingdoms in the wake of Endless Winter.

In the Kingdom of Pacifica, there was an intense power struggle between Count Vogon of House Ailil and Baron Di Marcos of House Gwydion for the Queen Aeron’s favor. The intrigue being mitigated by Duchess Annabel and Duke Aeon to the best of their political acumen. Upon Samhain Eve 2002, tragedy struck.  The Queen and her satyr lover Hamal were discovered poisoned on the dawn of November 1st. Shortly thereafter, Count Vogon produced a document signed by the Queen naming him Heir Apparent in the event of her untimely demise. Lord DiMarcos declared it a forgery and accused him of having assassinated the Queen.

The War of the Dragon and the Gryphon began as both nobles rallied their allies against one another for the Crown of Pacifica. For the better part of a decade the Nobility of Pacfica was locked in a brutal Civil War. However, it was the resourcefulness of Duchess Annabel and her Court that ended the War. Diplomacy, dream quests, and more than a small amount of help from a friendly Eshu’s Spirit Pathways lead to the war’s bloodless end in 2010. Her Household discovered King Sean’s original last Will and Testament, which named Duchess Annabell as his heir apparent in the event of his daughter Aeron’s demise. The Duchess won over the hearts of the Dragon faction by publicly declaring her loyalty to the Unseelie Court. She also agreed to a betrothal with Lord DiMarcos winning the favor of the Gryphon Faction. Furthermore, her household was able to expose Count Vogon’s ties to The Monkey’s Paw and the Shadow Court. She banished Vogon from Pacifica, and shortly thereafter married Lord Di Marcos. They now rule as King and Queen of Pacifica, and are working hard to restore the shattered remains of their Kingdom.

The Duchy of the Jeweled Coast encompasses all of San Diego County. It is the Southern-most Duchy in Pacifica. It is ruled by a proteche of Queen Annabel, Duke Carlos De Leon ap Fiona, a wilder sidhe. His household, know as simply as The Court of the Lion, has a reputation for wealth, art, romance, decadence, and passion. It is rumored to be a hot bed of sexual intrigue, and the Duke likes it that way.

The Duchy is divided into 5 Counties. County of The Canyon (East), County of Northern Shores (North), County of Presido (Central), ‘County’ of the Border Provinces (South), and County of Seal’s Cove (La Jolla, UTC, Del Mar, Solana Beach. The Duchy Seat).

 County of Presido

Millennial Sunset is set in the County of Presido, which encompasses all of San Diego County proper.

The County of Presido was once a thriving center of art, inspiration, and cosmopolitan living. However, during the years of the War of the Dragon and the Gryphon, the war took its toll. The Lords and their vassals, households, and local motelys expended all their resources fighting one another on behalf of the Dragon, Gryphon, or self defense. In the past four years the County attempted rise up from the dregs of the War. Only the powerful balefire within Falstaff Tavern at the heart of the Balboa Park freehold glows with glamour. The sweeping banality of late autumn has extinguished all of the County’s other freeholds. Lord Elijah Bennett ap Liam, a humble baron, is the Lord of the Balboa Park Freehold. These holdings are known offically as The Barony of Gardens. He is currently serving as the Regent of the County of Presido until such time as the Duke appoints a new Count.


Several movies, and tv shows serve as inspiration for Millenial Sunrise and are highly recommended for viewing:

Movies: The Matrix Trilogy, Tron: Legacy, Summer Wars, Ink, Papricka, Dark City, Strange Days, Labyrinth, Mirrormask, and Stardust.

Tv Shows: Capricia, VR 5, Lost Girl, Sword Art Online, .HACK, Grimm, Once Upon A Time, and Dollhouse